So what’s better than free? Not much! Which is why I’m introducing you all to Mary Beth Hunt, aka the Everyday Cheapskate, by giving away her hardcover book, The Everyday Cheapskate Greatest Tips, which is chock FULL of ideas for smarter spending and living. Post a comment between now and September 25 right here on Recession Fabulous and you’ll be entered in the drawing.
I'm also letting you know that if you go to Mary Beth's website, you’ll not only get to read all of her articles, archived, but you’ll also be able to sign up for her FREE email newletter, which includes a daily cheapskate tip. These aren’t the usual tips you’ve heard a hundred times, either, but original doable ideas.
No, I’m not her agent, I just like her outlook. Go check her out.
Oh, and by the way, if you’re interested in more free books that you don’t even need to win a contest for, check out my E-reader experiment here.